The Need for Social Science in Radon Risk Communication
The aim of the seminar is to highlight the need for social science to support risk communication.
Thank you for your participation in our open digital seminar, held on ZOOM, CET 10.00 - 15.30, March 24th.
We seek to discuss the following questions based on lessons learnt from radon:
What are the challenges for evidence-based risk communication? What type of social science would benefit risk communication? And how do we make holistic, humble and honest experts in risk communication?
Below you can find the program with the presentations available for download. Pleas contact Ullrika Sahlin if you have any questions.
Part 1. Setting the stage for radon risk communication in a Swedish context
10.00 Kristina Stenström, Lund University – Welcome and introduction to the Swedish national plan for radon
The power point presentation "Intro to the Swedish national action plan for Radon" (PDF, 1.2 MB, new tab)
10.20 Swedish Agencies on communication challenges. Presentations by invited representatives:
- Joakim Thunborg, Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning (Boverket)
- Cecilia Jelinek, Geological Survey of Sweden (Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning)
- Larisa Mileshina, Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten)
The power point presentation "The role of Swedish Radiation Safety Authority related to Radon" (PDF, 1.55 MB, new tab)
Part 2. Evidence-informed radon risk communication
11.00 Frederic Bouder, University of Stavanger – The quest for evidence-informed risk communication on radon and the Potsdam manifesto
The power point presentation "The quest for evidence-informed risk communication on radon and the Potsdam manifesto" (PDF, 605.81 KB, new tab)
11.15 Ullrika Sahlin, Lund University – Using the relational theory of risk to understand radon risk communication in a Swedish context
The power point presentation "Using the relational theory of risk to understand radon risk communication in a Swedish context" (PDF, 3.13 MB, new tab)
11.45 Tanja Perko, Belgian Nuclear Research Centre – Cutting-edge radon risk communication and behaviour of people under radon risk: preliminary results of the RadoNorm project
The power point presentation "Radon risk communication and behaviour of people under radon risk: preliminary results of the RadoNorm project" (PDF, 1.55 MB, new tab)
12.00 Geertje Schuitema, University College Dublin – Integrating behaviour science in radon policy
The power point presentation "Integrating behaviour science in radon policy" (PDF, 280.91 KB, new tab)
Part 3. Risk communication as a scientific field
13.45 Mary Kay Rayens, University of Kentucky, (Conley, N., Haneberg, W.C., Stanifer, S., Wiggins, A.T., and Hahn, E.J.) – Using geologically-based radon potential maps to convey lung cancer risk
The power point presentation "Using geologically-based radon potential maps to convey lung cancer risk" (PDF, 2.57 MB, new tab)
14.00 Christopher Rääf, Lund University – What do we teach radiation experts about risk communication?
The power point presentation "Teaching radiation experts about risk communication: What we do and what we should do" (PDF, 2.5 MB, new tab)
14.15 Discussion
14.30 Dominic Balog-Way, Cornell University – The evolving field of risk communication
The power point presentation "The Evolving Field of Risk Communication" (PDF, 2.14, new tab)
14.50 Final discussion with all speakers and representatives from Swedish agencies (moderator Ullrika Sahlin)
15.30 Concluding remarks Ullrika Sahlin
Ullrika Sahlin
ullrika [dot] sahlin [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (ullrika[dot]sahlin[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)